Friday, September 11, 2015

Our First Week! (Sept. 8 - 11)

We have had a fantastic week! Take a look through the Storify that we created and you can catch up with what we have done so far! I am very excited for this year as we have a fantastic class this year!

Here is what the students said when I asked "What is one thing you like about Sagonaska so far?"
Emma: "Knowing that I will get the help I want and need."
Jamie:  "I like that the staff set up fun games for the kids!"
Maggie:  "I get to see old friends and meet new friends"
Harry:  "The swimming."
Austin:  "I like my residence."
John:  "I like the residence"
Blair:  "I like the pool!"

Please be sure to check students' backpacks for their home going folders.  There is a folder from residence and a folder from the classroom.  Please check both!

Parent Homework...Leave a comment below explaining how you think this blog helps you as a parent!

1 comment:

  1. This blog allows me to follow the progress and watch the progress. I will be able to be prepared to help in the areas that need extra attention.
    It keeps me one step ahead of what I need to know.
