"becasue of mr. terupt" We Have Made History
We are currently reading the book called "because of mr. terupt" by Rob Buyea.
We are just a few chapters in and so far it is a great read aloud. The book is written from 7 different perspectives, 6 students and the teacher Mr. Terupt. We are starting to investigate point of view. This will eventually lead us to our Learning Through the Arts sessions, where we will investigate the story behind the story. Although we had a very deliberate reason to read this book, we ended up highlighting some attitudes toward learning that have proven to be extremely important.
As we were making connections to the book, we asked the students to determine which character they thought they related to most. This is where we struck gold. Naturally, my teaching partner and I asked students why they chose the particular character. One of our students asked "should we try to connect to the characters before coming to Sagonaska or after coming to Sagonaska?". We said both! This is where the magic happened. We ended up having a fantastic conversation about what got in the way of learning at our old schools. I captured the students' thoughts as we talked.
All the large quotations are students' thoughts. The quotes explained what got in the way of their learning. All of the small writing explains why students thought the barriers in quotations were getting in the way of learning. As a teacher, I have never been exposed to these thoughts directly from students before. I thought that what these students came up with was extremely powerful and needed to be shared. After debriefing, we realized that although it is important to reflect on these old attitudes, they are in fact historic and have changed.
Next week, we will be having a circle to come up with our attitudes toward learning now that students (and teachers) have been exposed to Sagonaska Demonstration School.